General Information

Below, we show you the terms and conditions (hereinafter «General Conditions») that are applicable to any user browsing our website. Take a seat and get ready for a very interesting legal text, one of those that must be read carefully.

These General Conditions regulate the access, registration, navigation, downloading and use of the website (hereinafter «the Website») as well as its contents.

The contents of the Website are (attention to the list!): the data, graphics, texts, logos, trademarks, software, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, expressions and information (take a breath) and others included therein and, in general, all creations expressed by any means or support, tangible or intangible regardless of whether or not they are susceptible to intellectual property (breathe) in accordance with current Spanish legislation, (hereinafter «the Contents»). Come on!

Both the Website and the Contents are owned by THE TINTIRIN TEAM, S.L., registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid in volume 41,942, folio 1, 1st entry, page M-742731, with CIF B05439161 and address at Castillo de Fuensaldaña 4, Office 218, 28232 Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain). (hereinafter TTT)

For any questions you can contact us at

General Conditions of Use of the «Web Site» and the «Contents»

Using this website or its Contents confers you the status of «User» and implies full and unreserved acceptance by you of all the General Conditions in force at the time you access it. You have been named «User» while you were reading this paragraph, thus, without anesthesia and, therefore, if you continue browsing our website, you should know that the access and use of the Website and/or the Contents are made under your sole and exclusive responsibility, in accordance with the Law and with these General Conditions. Although we know that you are going to be good because you are good people.

As a user, you may use the services and materials available on the Website, as well as the Contents, exclusively for private purposes, excluding any use other than this one, and specifically excluding any use for profit or that brings benefit, directly or indirectly, to you, your brother-in-law or any third party.

These General Conditions are expressly and unreservedly accepted by the user by the mere fact of accessing the Website, using in any way the materials and services of the Website and/or accessing or using in any way the Contents.

If you do not accept them, you should not browse the Web Site and, if you are doing so, you should leave it. If you continue browsing, we understand that you accept them without limitation.

What can you do? On this Website, we mean.
  • Access and browse free of charge, and without the need for prior authorization, the materials and services and Contents that you can find on the Website.

  • Use them for private use only.

  • To make at all times a correct and lawful use of the services, information and materials and Contents.

What can’t you do? The question is not a challenge, it is a red line. In other words, don’t do it.
  • You may not use the Website and/or the Contents to violate current legislation, morality, good practices and public order, or for harmful purposes that may damage, harm or impede in any way, access to them, to our detriment and/or to the detriment of third parties.
  • To carry out acts that are contrary to the Intellectual and/or Industrial Property rights of their legitimate owners.
  • To cause damage to our computer systems, those of our suppliers or third parties and/or introduce or disseminate computer viruses, harmful codes or software or any type of system that may cause damage, alterations in systems or in the information systems, contents, programs, files and computer equipment of the users thereof, or unauthorized access to any materials and services of the Website and/or the Contents.
  • Use the Web Site and/or the Contents, in whole or in part, to promote, sell, hire, divulge advertising or information of your own or of third parties without prior written authorization from us, or include hyperlinks in private or commercial web pages to our Web Site and/or the Contents, unless expressly authorized.
  • Use the services and materials offered through the Web Site and/or the Contents in a manner contrary to the Law and/or the General Conditions to the detriment or in detriment of the rights of other users.
  • Eliminate or modify in any way the symbols, logos, trademarks, videos, photographs or any of the Contents that may be the object of intellectual or industrial property.

The User shall be liable for any damages of any kind that may be caused as a result of the non-compliance or non-observance, directly or indirectly, of these General Conditions.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All materials and information on the Website and/or the Contents of TTT are subject to the current regulations on Intellectual and/or Industrial Property.

The rights to the Contents belong to TTT or, where applicable, to third parties who have consented to the transfer of these to TTT. The logos, trade names, domains and trademarks owned by TTT also belong to TTT.

It is strictly forbidden to use the materials or elements of the Website and/or the Contents to include them totally or partially in other websites or in any other material or immaterial medium without our authorization.

Any reference to names, trademarks, distinctive signs, implies the prohibition of use without the consent of the rightful owner of such name, trademark, etc..

Access to or use of the Website and/or the Contents does not grant the user any rights over the trademarks, logos and/or distinctive signs.

All intellectual and industrial property rights on the elements, materials, information and products, if any, included in the Website and/or the Contents for public or commercial purposes are reserved without our express written authorization.

Any action or omission, guilty or negligent, directly or indirectly attributable to the user that involves the infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of TTT or third parties, entails damages, sanctions and/or losses of any kind for TTT as a consequence of a claim of any kind, TTT shall be entitled to take action against said user and claim compensation for damages (regardless of their nature) that may be necessary for their reparation, without prejudice to exercising any other actions that TTT may be entitled to by law.

Links or hyperlinks to the Website and/or its Contents

Users who wish to introduce links or hyperlinks from their own web pages to the TTT Website and/or Contents must obtain our prior written consent. Only those links that link to the home page of our Website will be accepted, with some exceptions.


We have taken all measures, to the best of our ability and that of our technology, to ensure that the Website functions correctly, as well as to prevent transmission of viruses and other harmful or malicious components to users.


We are not responsible for damages, for any concept and/or nature, in the following cases:

  • For the impossibility or difficulty of connection as a result of service interruptions, errors or malfunctions.
  • For the interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the Website when it is due to an interruption of service for technical maintenance, by the services of information service providers.
  • If you cannot access the Web Site or its Contents, or it is difficult to do so, due to an action of any user, by fortuitous cases or causes of force majeure, or any other beyond our control, as could be the case of a meteorite hitting the server or a stampede of large artiodactyl mammals that invades the office where the server is inevitably, devouring in its path (despite being herbivores) the connection wires.
  • In the event that ninjas, hackers, aliens, secret organizations, spies, cowboys, our own cookie, or any other third party attacks the security or integrity of our computer system.
  • For any damage or harm to the user’s software or hardware resulting from access to our Web Site.

The user will be personally liable, and knows it, for damages of any nature caused to TTT directly or indirectly, for the breach of any of the obligations derived from these General Terms and Conditions.

The user shall be solely responsible for any infringements that may be incurred or damages that may be caused by the use of the Website and/or the Contents of TTT, and TTT shall be exonerated from any liability whatsoever.

Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

The interpretation or execution of this Legal Notice shall be subject to Spanish legislation.

Both TTT and the user waive any other jurisdiction and expressly submit themselves to the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile, unless the user resides outside Spain, in which case they submit themselves to the courts and tribunals of Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid/Spain).



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Dirección / Address

Castillo de Fuensaldaña, 4
Oficina 218

28232 Las Rozas de Madrid, España / Spain

© 2021 Todos los Derechos Reservados / All Right Reserved THE TINTIRIN TEAM, SL